Couldn’t tell that fact from the rhetoric flying around.
Almost everywhere there are degrees of xenophobia, ranging from raised eyebrow to going on an active hunt and slaughter of the “outsiders” when it comes to the various races.
America is most definitely NOT a “race”, but a culture, perhaps the most inclusive in the history of the world. Anyone may become an American, but the emphasis, which has apparently been lost recently, is on accepting that set of standards and ideals, and abiding by them, with a decent respect for, FIRST, the principles as stated, then to all the symbols and attributes assigned to those principles.
You may or may not agree with your neighbor on implementations of policy, but respect is always in order.
There are large numbers now crowding here who have little or no respect for all that has been here, and its history worked out through trial and error by all persons of good will. Either they learn the particulars of that history, and how the various compromises have been worked out, or they are free to leave for wherever else in the world that they believe will agree with their pernicious dislike of “the American way”.
Or as I prefer to call it, the “Cowboy code”.
And President Obama and the GOP have just supported the greatest racist presidential edict ever against blacks. Amnesty or immigration reform.