It really isn’t that long ago that half of Ireland starved to death. I mpictures of starving children in Biafra from when I was a kid, which I still don’t know where that is, but they were starving. India never had it so well with 800 million people, but they don’t seem to be doing that bad right now.
What we have here are enviros who think that we are killing the earth by eating too much, and it is proof that humans are a cancer on the planet. Look at all the greedy fat humans! I refuse to complain about how we have revolutionized agriculture enough to overfeed a good percentage of the world’s population. It wasn’t that long ago that they told us we would be out of oil by now, and that the world couldn’t support 8 billion people. Also, the oceans are way overdue to be at least one foot deeper than they are right now. But doom and gloom are bread and butter for a lot of people.
Some day in the not too far off future, they will look back and see that this was the Golden Age, and we were already living in the Promised Land. By that time, the entire world will have been frightened into socialism.
And here I just went and made the mistake of posting a response to a Business Insider article. I do not go to their site to read their crap. The few times I looked, they appeared to be leftist anti-business types. Same with Huffington Post. And MSNBC. I refuse to look at them or acknowledge their existence.