I think Ferguson will be peaceful, because riotous looters do not want confrontation, they want stuff to steal, unarmed people to beat, and unguarded buildings to burn.
Ferguson is likely no longer good even as a staging area. There might be a nominal protest there, but nothing more.
My first guess of a target would be either a soft target, like drugstores, where they think they can get drugs, liquor, loot and maybe even a little money; or conversely, a mostly black neighborhood, because they would anticipate the least resistance, and an unwillingness of police to go there.
The closest one of significant size is North St. Louis.
Importantly, the agitators will want to start trouble in other cities as well, so attention will need to be paid to the social networks, to see if there are efforts to organize a mob.
A Canuck friend of mine once said something I remember.
He said he loved the bitter cold winters, because it killed all the flies.