Windflier - you might want to ping the Texas List.
Texas Protest Locations:
AUSTIN, TX: Day After 6pm; Austin Police Dept, 715 E. 8th St.
DALLAS, TX: Day After - 7pm; Police Hdqtrs, 140 Lamar St.
HOUSTON, TX: Day After 5pm; MacGregor Park 5225 Calhoun Rd, (Corner of Calhoun and Old Spanish Trail)
LONGVIEW, TX: Day After 7:15pm; Dollar Central Parking Lot, 1005 N. Eastman Rd.
Two bucks (no racist pun intended) to a hole in a donut says no riot in Longview.
Austin @ the APD: odd choice since Chief Acevedo lets his guys shoot black people pretty much at will.