To: The Sons of Liberty
The oft-cited date of the OT Great Flood is 2200 BC. There remains zero evidence that it ever took place.
12 posted on
11/06/2014 5:17:26 PM PST by
( the Polls, Ignore the Trolls)
To: SunkenCiv
The oft-cited date of the OT Great Flood is 2200 BC. There remains zero evidence that it ever took place.
SunkenCiv, I've not know you as one to be facetious. But you are joshing us with your second sentence, right?
To: SunkenCiv
I thought the Great Flood was the Black Sea Deluge (ca. 5600 BC)?
20 posted on
11/06/2014 5:32:53 PM PST by
To: SunkenCiv
The oft-cited date of the OT Great Flood is 2200 BC. There remains zero evidence that it ever took place.My Bible says it happened - good enough for me.
39 posted on
11/07/2014 3:45:21 AM PST by
(Where in the the hell has my country gone?)
To: SunkenCiv
The oft-cited date of the OT Great Flood is 2200 BC. There remains zero evidence that it ever took place. Are you stark raving mad??? Are you suggesting there is ZERO evidence of massive flooding or huge waves traversing large portions of continents to be found anywhere on the planet??? I know you're a student of Velikovsky and as such you should at least be familiar with his presentation of such evidence. OR, do you choose to cite his work only when it suits your, what, agenda??? I don't get it Civ. I had always thought you to be a fairly bright guy but of late, I've begun to wonder...
48 posted on
11/07/2014 8:31:25 PM PST by
(What part of "Fundamentally transforming the United States of America" don't the LIV understand?) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson