I chuckle at this, because when I go to a “mall” about twice a year, there is an Apple store over-run with people and a Microsoft store with cobwebs growing on the two bored-to- tears employees.
Just goes to show that most consumers are not geeks and could care less about benchmark tests.
While we don't have a Microsoft Store, we do have a Best Buy where they sell both Apple and Windows products. The Apple section is basically one table and a couple of racks of accessories and the Windows section is several rows.
There are always people crowded around the Apple table every time I go in. Maybe half as many wandering among the Windows stuff.
Makes me smile.
I noticed this too. I stepped into a near-empty Microsoft store earlier this year, and a couple employees nearly knocked each other over trying to corner me. But I was there to look at the Makerbot 3D printer and didn't bother to look at Microsoft computers. All Apple stores are always crowded with customers.