I dont like to hear people brag about how they will not help their kids. I am not suggesting they pay for all of college, but I dont think it is unreasonable to help your kids when they have legit opportunities.
And saying you wont save for college for your kids makes it sound like the guy is spending the “extra” money on jet skis. I would imagine with eight kids there is not a lot of extra money.
and if there is any, it might be better spent on birth control
I met a guy at a RUSH concert years ago (upon their getting back together after a long wait). He was traveling around the states, and then to Europe to every concert. He said he was spending his kids college funds. I laughed, thinking it was a joke.
“Screw ‘em. Whoever thought Rush would be back!? I’m not missing any of it. They can join the Army if they want an education.”
I thought I was being wasteful spending so much money for one concert with me and my son and great seats! Crazy.