I got 11 out of 12 too - I thought Pakistan was controlled by ISIS, not Syria!
In the summary at the end, did you notice men outscored women on every question except the minimum wage? Found that interesting.
11 out of 12
The spends the most money on question got me. I really thought it was national debt not sosh security
Blew the one about Sunni vs Shia.
Do y’all think the questions are “fair and balanced?”
IMHO, there should have been at least one direct question about Obola.
12/12. And I thought for sure I got a couple wrong.
Missed two..I thought “national debt interest” was the biggest expense, and 35% of Americans were below poverty line.
Me too. Went with 25.
Pretty shocking how little people must watch the news...
14 % got ONLY 4 right...???
I think my dog pushing the key pad on any random answer could have just as good of a score or better...
Did you see what Miley was wearing?
Seems like we need to second guess a couple of the bold faced lies. I missed unemployment in as much as the true rate is much higher when you figure in people who have stopped looking for work.
Figures lie but liars can figure.
11 out of 12. I missed the one about social security being the greatest expense. I thought it was interest on the national debt. All in all, FReepers are well informed.
I got 12 out of 12, but had to guess at the number of Americans in poverty. The real surprise is the percentage of our fellow citizens—even those who are supposedly educated—that have no clue on many of these questions.
If I recall correctly, one of the questions with the lowest correct response rate was on the North Dakota oil boom. Just another example of the environmentalists agenda and their influence in the media and education; the last thing they want people to know is that North Dakota is booming because of oil, creating thousands of new jobs that average $70K a year and up.
9 out of 12. thought national debt, and don’t really care about sunni vs shia (like dog poop vs cow poop, both stink) and the poverty level. i presumed anyone on the gubmint dole for welfare was poor. stupid me.
Same here.
I find it astounding that 73% know the federal minimum wage is $7.25, but only 20% know that the Social Security is the biggest expenditure (until interest rates on the national debt take off), and only 20% know that only 15% (and not 47%) of their fellow citizens are below the the federal poverty line.
11 out of twelve. Blew the social security question.