How can you know the full facts Twink, when the doctor FAILS to inform you? See my post on OP DRUGS. ALL OF THEM HAVE FDA WARNINGS yet still on the market. A-Fib, Kidney death failure, Jaw degeneration, and A typical Femur fractures plus a whole lot more side effects than listed in the warnings.
NOT ONCE was I TOLD they had FDA WARNINGS. You can not make accurate decisions based on LIES or LACK of ACCURATE INFO. I tracked the info down on Google. Now I Google any drug before I fill it. I’ve a full sheet of drugs I’ve reacted to I was told were SAFE. BS! My last SUPER SENIOR Flu shot had me sick 2 weeks and a trip to the ER for dehydration. I refuse to take any more.
My last SUPER SENIOR Flu shot had me sick 2 weeks and a trip to the ER for dehydration. I refuse to take any more.
Sorry to hear you had such a reaction. ...I got my Super Sr. flu shot on 10/7 and have had no adverse reactions. The last one was in 2012, so figured it was time for a re-do.
Also, I take no Rx meds and have never been in a hospital for treatment except when I was born.