“If you inherited a stocked bunker, how would you protect yourself from someone else who wanted to liberate it from you?”
I’d take the stuff, I would not use an easily defeated shelter. Your best defense is concealment. Once they know where to find you, you’re done. Bunkers have always been a long term loosing position. There is always weaknesses to exploit.
A survival bunker has to be protected constantly, while an attacker is free to attack at his leisure and has the initiative. You’re tied down, your actions more predictable. Your attacker is not. Bad tactical position.
Bunkers are good against an active military attack. But the bunker hasn’t been made than man isn’t capable of defeating, given a little time to do so. I ‘defeated’ a 250k well thought out and designed bunker inside of ten seconds of thinking through my problem.
What if you knew Mark Levin was in that bunker?