For my Halloween costume, I am thinking white plastic bags for my feet, a la white go-go boots, and black garbage bag for my head wrap, floral ruffled dishwashing gloves, and maybe I’ll go to the thrift store for an old Member’s only jacket. ( I live in AZ and a plastic raincoat will be too hot, and besides, there will be a live band and I want to dance!) I don’t to waste my better masks from Home Depot, so I’ll stick to the inexpensive cotton masks that I buy in bulk and took on vacation to the Grand Canyon last week, in case, there was an outbreak in Flagstaff (lol).
And of course, the recipes that were contributed here on this post with Free Republic’s web address. I keep telling my neighbors about our site, which they are not knowledgeable about, so maybe this will get them onboard here.
I would like to thank Freeper Lisa from her site Survival Mom for the link to the LA Times article, which was sent to me via mass email.
Here is her very useful site:
Here are some of the topics she also covers:
Are you prepared to be stuck in your car?
20 Slightly Unusual Items for Stocking Up
You Just Moved Here: 10 Realities After a Major Flooding Event
And she has an ebook: