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To: PA Engineer
But do you think it would work?

Don't know, however if I was ebola positive (early in the infection) I would want anti-viral treatment. It seems logical in this application.

And, I have not kept up with Fauci? Is there a political or medical reason he is not respected here?

He is a politician first and contra-indicated for pandemic control in the US.

And do the doctors in the US have to go through him when prescribing treatment. Then should the “relatives” of Duncan be blaming his for his death?

They don't have to go through him, but the FDA makes it very clear about off label prescribing. Secondly, I strongly believe Frieden and Fauci have a elemental responsibility to inform medical professionals of potential disease treatment options. Fauci was informed.

Or, do you think they wanted him to die to keep the white-survivors/ dead -African black man tension up? ( I keep an eye on CNN and that is their angle; he did not get the treatment he needed because he is poor and black.)

I just love the latest racial meme. I think Duncan was too late to the anti-viral party. If he had been honest about his direct ebola exposure, he may be alive and in jail today.
46 posted on 10/11/2014 4:55:51 PM PDT by PA Engineer (Liberate America from the Occupation Media.)
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To: PA Engineer

I appreciated that you answered my questions and comments in detail. I am ( thru my husband) sending this post to friends and some who are in the medical field.

I do not know what you mean by “He is a politician first and contra-indicated for pandemic control in the US.”

So I looked up the definition via Wiki:

In medicine, a contraindication is a condition or factor that serves as a reason to withhold a certain medical treatment.[1] Contraindication is the opposite of indication, which is a reason to use a certain treatment.

A contraindication is a specific situation in which a drug, procedure, or surgery should not be used because it may be harmful to the patient.

There are two types of contraindications:

Relative contraindication means that caution should be used when two drugs or procedures are used together. It is acceptable to do so if the benefits outweigh the risk.
Absolute contraindication means that event or substance could cause a life-threatening situation. A procedure or medication that falls under this category should be avoided.”

If you would, please explain more. I simply cannot get over that our government is using this crisis for political manipulation.

53 posted on 10/11/2014 5:25:22 PM PDT by lulu16 (May the Good Lord take a liking to you!)
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