“I can’t decide if these kids will become sissies or panzies? “
The correct answer is confused....
Some fifth-grader is standing there, grinning, and writing up a fake note to the teacher and signing mom’s signature to it....claiming that he’s been reassigned as a “he-she-it”, and by lunch...the school principal will be calling the school district manager to ask for instructions on how to handle a he-she-it. This will get sent onto the state guy, and the state board by nightfall.
Perfect time to beat the living sh-t out of whoever thought this up and implemented it. It should be done in front of the kids and when it’s over you look at the kids and say, “ There are WINNERS and LOSERS in life and this idiot is a LOSER. Don’t grow up to be a loser.
Surprise surprise. Gender Spectrum, located in the bay area, provides important legal services as well as trainers. In other words they are a made up group of lawyers ready to sue anyone for anything and shake down taxpayers.
What a bunch of PC codswallop!
What is a “gendered space?”
Nebraska? GTFO.
Okay that’s it....Close it down.
Yeah, let’s change what’s been since the beginning of time. Let’s insinuate that women give birth to oddly colored water fowl, simply so we don’t offend a few screwed up kids. This is what happens when you don’t allow the mentally ill to be locked up and instead give them jobs so they can spout their craziness to rub off on impressionable young children.
After listening to the vegan cry about snow the chicken I thought the weird stuff of this week couldn’t get weirder and here comes this!
Purple penguins? That’s soooo offensive to the native penguins all across the global community spectrum. Where’s their progressive sensitivities?
This person should be made an example...as a lesson to others
One of the music production boards I read (for the Reaper DAW audio software) is largely a refuge from PC BS. A miracle considering it’s all musicians.
One guy when on a spaz “I’m OFFENDED! fit because of the name. and as a joke, had “Mortal” under the name of each poster. It offended him because his brother was terminal. He made demands, kicked screamed and generally acted the lib to the fullest. So management appeased him.
they changed “mortal” to “Human Being with Feelings”.
We haven’t seen him since. These idiots need that treatment and that attitude thrown at them every time they open their communist freak mouths.
Well ones thing is certain. The educators are Marxist $HITHEAD$ and should be called such.
Just call them serfs, because that is what you are raising.
Steve Joel needs a new name. Rather than DR or Superintendent his new name should be Dr Unemployed Banned From-Education. There’s him a new hyphenated last name too so he’ll feel good about himself LOL.
How’s about we call them “children” or “kids”
How about calling them, hey idiots,come over here
Language becomes meaningless. Welcome to 1984.
Who in the world would send their boys and girls to such a screwed up school? Oh...the people of Nebraska, who voted for Kathleen Sebelius as governor.
They should line up as “dumb and dumber.”