If you go to the CNN Election site for 2012, select a swing state and mouse over each county, you will see where the imbalances in the blue counties pop out.
When a swing state goes 51-47 for Obama, most of the counties are either 55-45 Romney, or 51-49 Romney, or 51-49 Obama, EXCEPT for one or two urban center counties that are 65-35 Obama or higher. It's in those few counties where the vote fraud swings a state.
Target the fraud to a handful of swing counties in swing states, and you tilt the election.
It's really true about the sports cliche that the game was closer than the score indicates. People can tout that Obama beat Romney by 4.7 million votes, or he won 51-47, but when you dig deeper into how Obama ran the table on all of the swing states, and you see that it came from just a few counties in those swing states, then you see the real story of what happened.
The race was won by about a million votes across about 5 states.
But what do I know? I'm just an ignorant FReeper.
I had bookmarked that site a year or two ago but now feel I have something clearer in mind when I return to study it...hopefully bright and early tomorrow morning. Thanks again; you’ve spurred me on. (I love such facts.)