No, I wasn’t making your point for you.
JFK’s law, JFK president, with an overwhelming democrat Congress and Senate, JFK”s dream was a done deal, it didn’t take his 1963 death to make it so.
You really need to learn more about JFK and how far left he was.
Johnson’s Great Society was just JFK blowing smoke. He Never intended for this CRAP to happen. It was all done in his memory (like allot of other crap).
Edumacate me anse12 /s
sorry if ‘crap’, the word offends some (as it dose my mother)
Ok, ansel12 Edumacate me.
Kennedy with his overwhelming majority in the House and Senate (Like Obammy) accomplished WHAT????
oh, yea he got a Pulitzer prize, that sounds vaguely familiar.
He started Civil Rights Legislation, which the Senators and Congressman of his OWN damn PARTY, wanted to have NOTHING to do with (even though it was time AMERICA passed something).
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty? with Russia and Great Britain
Sending Advisors to Vietnam
Bay of Pigs
Spoke of the MOON
Bottom Line: Most in his party mistrusted him and some even despised him.
World Events RAN the Kennedy Administration not the other way around, kinda like obammy, except obummer is willing to circumvent OUR Constitution, unlike your wonder boy Kennedy.