Supporting these type of idiotic programs has jacked up tuition rates to absorb every available government dollar and then some. Government student loans are easy to obtain and interest rates are jacked up to support the entire infrastructure.
People majoring in useless XYZ Studies pay the same interest rates as do kids with highly marketable degrees such as engineering or nursing. This includes the risk factor built into these rates which the graduates with marketable degrees will have to pay back their loans as well as those of the defaulters.
Thus, the perpetual adolescents are subsidized and we get more of them.
-— Supporting these type of idiotic programs has jacked up tuition rates to absorb every available government dollar and then some. Government student loans are easy to obtain and interest rates are jacked up to support the entire infrastructure. -—
That’s the cause of the problem.
We need to focus on the cause, not the symptoms: silly courses, overpaid professors, etc.