Okay. Some people have psychotic episodes on marijuana. I don’t smoke it, but I have when I was younger. I never had a psychotic episode on marijuana. But I did on alcohol.
Point is, marijuana is much less harmful to society than alcohol. I’ve seen it with my own eyes, and worn the shoes myself. Not everyone can handle it, that’s true. I don’t know any fully functional drinkers, I know tons of fully functional marijuana users. The medical benefits from cannabis are numerous. If you say it’s just an excuse, then you’ve never met a stage 3 chemo patient that uses it so they can eat, without vomitting. Or someone with chronic back pain, someone that cannot sleep at night.
If recreational alcohol is okay, then why isn’t marijuana? Alcohol leads to all those drugs. AND MARIJUANA. If I had never drank in high school, I most likely would not have smoked marijuana.
Peas lead to marijuana. 99% of all people who have smoked marijuana have at one time eaten peas previous to that.
I am a child of the 60s. If you don’t remember much of the 60s, you were there. I was there. I have drank in HS and after HS I went to college where a whole manner of new experience awaited. I am a graduate of Woodstock in 1969 just weeks after Neil and Buzz stepped on the moon.
Suffice it to say that in my experience of the counter culture and also my 3 years as an attendant at a state psychiatric hospital (I night job I worked to pay my way through college)..I see more psychosis precipitating from psychotropic drugs such as pot and LSD, than from booze.
I admit that this is not a scientific thesis but it would take quite a demonstration to convince me otherwise