Ill share what I have learned.
It is important to understand what the number 72 means to most Muslims. It does not represent an absolute number. It refers too many, to many to count in a sense. It would be similar to someone saying there was more of something than you could count.
It does not mean literal virgins although to some it may represent actual virgins. I think virgins refer to pleasures. In essence, the offer to the terrorist is a reward of more pleasures than he could dream of.
Thank you!!
I always thought the 72 thing was because it was 6 12s, but your explanation makes equal sense.
I like your explanation of the virgins. For the life of us we couldn’t work it out - even in Mohammed’s time they knew births of males and females were roughly 1 to 1. It’s why we went for the Djinn theory in the end - well established in the culture and it wouldn’t be the first bit of cultural appropriation a religion has done.