It's unfortunate, but sometimes that is necessary in order to save a much larger number of people. Just like amputation of a man's limb to save his life.
Not surprisingly, in full blown epidemics the groups who take the biggest hit from the disease include:
1) The sick with other problems, the mentally ill, and the poor.
2) Those who minister to the sick and dispose the dead.
3) Those who smuggle and those who break quarantine going in to the quarantined area.
4) Those who attend religious gatherings hoping to pray the disease away.
5) The unlucky.
I know right! One of my favorite parts of World War Z is when Brad Pitt whacks off the Israeli Mossad female agent’s wrist and hand to stop her from turning Amish, I mean Zombie. But I am lame, I just started watching the “Walking Dead” series last night.