Worrisome. She was admitted with a high fever. She was probably shedding virus.
I have a co-worker who’s sib is a HCW at Texas Health Presby.
Sib’s 2nd hand report —
CDC took over the labs there and removed all the test equipment that tested Thomas Duncan for Malaria “...for decontamination.” (Both HCW and I suspect HazMat disposal is more likely.)
The entire lab area is now CDC territory with no Texas Health Presby local med-techs allowed in.
The local HCW are “freaking out” despite public face of professional competence the hospital management, Dallas politicos and CDC are putting out in their “Risk Messaging.”
People talking about HCW walking out if local Dallas HCW get Ebola seem spot on, from what I have gathered from the co-worker.
That’s what I’m thinking, too. Yikes.