I’m sure eager to hear Quinn & Rose again - give us the news!
OK this is kind of complicated and it is what I am hearing from “the grapevine.”
Without getting into studios not ready and such it boils down to these points.
Iorio planned to bring THE REST of the WPGB line up over to WJAS. Premiere Radio Networks.
He already has them on his Warren station.
WPGB wanted to go country but ESPN sports was also a possibility.
When WPGB - Clear Channel - found out the plan started waffling on the change. Country...sports...country sports...dragging their feet to hold up WJAS getting Premiere.
Right now that seems to be the hold up. There may be some animosity toward Q&R but that is pure speculation.
I always thought that Premiere..Beck, Rush, et al...did allow the programming to be on two stations in a market if one was AM and one was FM but that may have changed. I haven’t kept up with that part of the business.
So now it’s a hurry up and wait game to see what WPGB/CC is going to do.
KEEP IN MIND MOST IF NOT ALL OF THIS IS WORD ON THE STREET. Reliable and unreliable sources. It is mostly my take and I COULD BE VERY WRONG. IF I AM I APOLOGIZE.
I am posting because it has been so frustrating without Q&R and I know this group and others want to know.
Sorry...got interrupted helping mrs p6. Took me awhile to post.