AIDS is transmitted through “bodily fluids” and see how that is spreading globally and causing a panic? Me neither...
Ebola Zaire is EXTREMELY infectious and has a close to 90% mortality rate. If it was hard to catch this would not be news.
over 700 people dead already, and that is just the first wave (or, more likely, 2).
Count the days back to the first person- about 3 to 6 weeks ago, and all 700 dead are from that one person.
If, in the next 2 weeks, there is no further spread - then the scare is over.
But so far it went from 1 person to about a dozen in 3 weeks, and then 700 in 6 weeks. If it goes over 5,000 then start securing your prep supplies.
Multiply each wave by 27 (as seen so far)
10,460,353,203 <~~ yes that’s 10 BILLIION in 141 days
It would NOT be a bad idea to stock up on AT LEAST 3 months supply of water and goods (don’t forget toilet paper)
The second wave is the most lethal; if we’re in the first wave still, we haven’t seen anything yet, I’m sure of it.