It seems to me that a true atheist would be merely indifferent to notions of the supernatural. These people however, are actually angry with those who believe; some say they are more correctly termed `anti-theists’.
An example: on Interstate 40 in Tennessee, near the Cookeville exit on a hilltop, stands a Christian cross that must be at least sixty feet tall. Especially stands out if you are eastbound. An inspiring sight for me & many.
Google `Cookeville cross’. Unbelievable hostility in the comments at sites which discuss it. Like those who object to the 9-11 I-beam cross in the Ground Zero museum, atheists traveling on I-40 are `highly offended’ and `made to feel ill’ at seeing the tall aluminum reminder of Christ’s sacrifice.
“Should only be visible from roads not built with taxpayers’ money!”, one fumed.
Oh, well.......
all the better that these dopes are “made to feel Ill”
that will do them some good...