Six years of people posting similar articles. At first I thought of them as credible, but the more digging I did, the more it became apparent that this stuff comes from an echo chamber of interconnected people who are looking for beneficial results of pot because they want to use them to justify legalizing pot.
They aren't "researchers" per se, they are specifically POT researchers, which are just like "Gay" researchers or "Global Warming" researchers in their methods and results.
From what i've seen, most of that "research" comes from people with agendas. They start out trying to prove the stuff is beneficial
What have you seen that leads you to this conclusion?
Six years of people posting similar articles. [...] They aren't "researchers" per se, they are specifically POT researchers
So by "researchers" you mean people posting articles, not scientists. I think the latter are what BuckeyeTexan was talking about.