You've got to be kidding. Using a thesaurus to look up academia words and terms...I'm not impressed wideawake.
Lets cut to the chase to what this all boils down to wideawake...I am equally not impressed by your repeated pattern of siding with corrupt government and those running it. I'm obviously not the only one who's noticed.
Ya think most have failed to notice government and their enforcement agents are clearly ramping up their obey or die, us VS them tactics? To the point which they now look like standing armies and war like military units. Ya think millions of Americans are failing to notice all these very disturbing changes and irreparable damage causing widespread distrust?
The same controlling government agencies, people and political party you support have not only stood by allowing the U.S. to be over run by foreigners, legal and illegal, compromising and undermine out entire country, but have actually aided and abetted it for decades now. All while they spy on, monitor, increasingly regulate and control us, while millions entering illegally are rewarded with prizes and gifts.
But wideawake said there are no double standards regarding government. No hidden agendas...Right wideawake?
Now you can claim all of this has nothing to do with this incident, and it's just an isolated random incident where another person simply killed themselves for failing to quickly obey every command.
It's all a big conspiracy.
Eric Garner knew too much about the Trilateral Commission and the Illuminati, and he had to be silenced.
Got it.