"I have said from Day One and Sean it has been anybody but Obama. We have a presumptive nominee now in the GOP process after a good competitive and very spirited competition to find that presumptive nominee and, yes, if that vote were to be taken today, obviously I would vote for President for Gov. Romney over President Barack Obama in a heartbeat, she said. I wouldnt blink because I go back to what I said at the beginning anybody but Obama."
You have said before that anyone who votes for a "liberal" Republican is a liberal. So, is Sarah Palin a liberal?
Or anybody else's. I prefer to think for myself.
I'm glad I didn't vote for the pro-abortion, pro-amnesty, pro-gay marriage, pro-socialized medicine, pro- gun control, big government republican liberal.
It's bad enough that the republican leadership in the legislature governs like liberals.
If the republicans try running another like him, that candidate will lose, too. That candidate will also be unelectable.