Ever ask yourself why we're having those problems? It's because, once again, we have consented and been entirely complicit in the destruction of the 2nd Amendment. I do not see where the 2A states "Shall not be infringed, as long as you have a background check". We all know they are keeping the records of our purchases. The FFL is required to keep them for 20 years. If it weren't for those FFL dealers willing to urinate all over the Bill of Rights just to make a little cash...if it weren't for us who CONSENT to that destruction by purchasing from FFL's, we wouldn't have nearly the amount of "boating accidents" we have today.
Do you propose buying and keeping a gun illegally then? That could have it’s own consequences. Although I’m all for civil disobedience. But we have to be willing to pay the price.
I’d rather purchase one legally, then have it be ‘lost’ at this time. When CWII progresses, things will change.
No. They have to keep them as long as they stay in business. If they sell the business, the new owner has the same responsibility including the old records. Otherwise, the FFL has to turn the records in to the ATF Out-of-Business Records Center.