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To: GraceG

Not to be on the dole, but to quit supporting this fascist country. So many people don’t realize how far down the slippery slope we have already gone.

My husband is going to quit work next year (at 49). When I did our 2013 taxes, he paid over $35,000! Fed, state, and SS and medicare (which I consider a tax, since it is going bankrupt and won’t be there for us - more on that in a sec)

Why should he work so hard to support all the illegals? And then be discriminated against because he is a white male?

We have been fortunate enough to have saved some money. House and cars will be paid for. We can live on the interest (1%, whoopee, hoping rates go up some day!) on our savings plus $20K a year. Subject personal exemptions and the standard deduction from that 20K AGI, and you have a near zero taxable income.

My challenge ot everyone is to save as much money as you can. And see if the material things in life are really making you happy. Or would a simpler lifestyle, where you have set yourself up to be self-sufficient and thumb your nose at the fascist leaders we have, would make you more fulfilled?

Back to Socialist Security - each situation is different, but when I did the calculations on my husband’s earnings, if he works another 17 years he will pay in nearly $175K. If he lives to 83 (average men’s lifespan), he will get back another $50k for paying in that $175K. He will NEVER get that money back because he will never live long enough. SS is extremely socialized. Low income people get all their money back and some of ours and yours. It’s not worth it to work for SS if you have a decent income (now, a 401K plan with employer matching is another story).

Any interested, you can start a plan to be self-sufficient right now. I started just 5 years ago and figured another 10 years would be sufficient. Now with the invasion happening and us hating CA more each day, we have upped our timeframe and will be escaping in 8 months!

27 posted on 07/09/2014 11:20:44 AM PDT by yorkiemom ( "...if fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism." - Ronald Reagan)
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To: yorkiemom
but to quit supporting this fascist country.

"Governments derive their just powers from the CONSENT of the governed..." (emphasis added).

And yet, we consent to a corrupt financial system each time we hand over or accept a FRN.

We consent to and support said fascism every time we file taxes.

We consent to the destruction of our 2A rights every time we walk into a federally licensed gun dealer and submit to a background check.

WE are the problem, not the government.

34 posted on 07/09/2014 11:25:07 AM PDT by dware (3 prohibited topics in mixed company: politics, religion and operating systems...)
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To: yorkiemom

I’m 49 also , I closed my business in dec 2012 sold most of the equipment. I do not qualify for unemployment because I’m the one that close the business , 18 yrs of paying for unemployment down the tubes. So I took some roth $$ and took six months off and then went to work for another place for about a year.But he was an a$$ and a crook so I quit. I made a sign stuck it in front of my house and take what work I get.
About as galt as I will get, but no handouts from from the gov.

73 posted on 07/09/2014 12:37:28 PM PDT by sopwith (LIVE FREE OR DIE)
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