My wife is the youngest of 5, all female. The families often get together in western Pennsylvania, where the oldest one lives. Sister Number 3 and her husband have been living in San Francisco for almost half a century, with predictable results. I can’t discuss anything more controversial than the weather without either getting into an argument or having to bite my tongue so heard that I draw blood. And since the global warming b.s., even the weather is an iffy topic. We are scheduled to have a long weekend in a few weeks. As much as I hate having my wife make the 700 mile round trip alone, I think that’s what is going to happen.
is sister #3 the only problem one? I can’t say I blame you, I am to the point that I do not care to converse with anyone of the lib persuasion. I can talk to them only about our respective families, nothing further.
I have family like that too. California. Retired school teachers. My mother is gone now, but even in her last days she drove me nuts. Isn’t funny about how careful they always are about other people’s feelings, but no regard for OUR feelings? My husband’s sister (another retired teacher) is impossible.
My husband and I are both products of UC Berkeley, and my husband’s sister will call up my kids and tsk, tsk about “How is it possible that your parents went to Berkeley and came out CONSERVATIVE!” Well, I’ll tell you how. It’s from living in the belly of the beast and seeing the streets of your once quiet town run red with blood, that’s how.
We escaped CA in 1972 and never looked back. Each time I have to go back for a visit, the place makes me sick.