I had high hopes for this series, but I only made it one episode and I think 5 minutes of the next. Too much liberal/anti-religion BS for me. I remember liking the original Carl Sagan one when I was a kid.
I thought the original series was pretty even-handed until the final episode, which was very heavy on leftist politics as somehow being "scientific". If anybody connected with the show admitted to studying philosophy or number theory, they would have admitted that their statements required them to "step outside" their cosmos to make observations of what would be unknowable within the system, itself. The same thing applies to faith, although it's generally more openly admitted there.
So we all enjoy a privileged position in the universe, because we can logically place ourselves outside of that universe to enable us to talk and speculate, right or wrong. Our biggest problem is that we're a single point on an otherwise empty piece of graph paper. We're only now developing the tools to start looking for other candidates that might go on that graph. Unless we get really lucky, we'll have to plod along building new kinds of observatories, and re-interpreting old data.
But we're already in a privileged position in that vast, uncaring universe. We're just looking for other locations that might have privileged observers looking for us. Perhaps we're on someone else's photographic plate, with hints of our existence there for centuries, but nobody has found the needle in a particular haystack, yet.