Funny, Facebook enabled mine.
And a couple more personal reunions as well.
Yahoogroups enabled mine 15 years ago, and that was a feat because it was the DOD school in Yokohama (now Kinnick High in Yokosuka), and so unlike most high school classes, we were literally scattered around the world, without any contact with each other until the internet brought us together. But FB keeps us in perpetual connection, which provides an incentive to scheduling a reunion so we can f2f those whose lives we have been more connected to because of FB.
I organized my 20 year reunion in 2009. During that process, I ended up with hundreds of additional Facebook friends. Then, in the years since, I’ve had many of them call me racist and other names due to my opposition to President Obama. One, who happened to be a fellow superlative winner when we were in high school (we were both “Most Dependable”) got extremely upset with me for a comment I made about Rachael Jeantel during the Zimmerman trial. This girl has known me for 25 years and I’ve always hugged her and been nothing short of a gentleman to her, but she told me how racist I was and so I defriended her and decided that I am no longer interested in doing nice things like giving well over a hundred hours of my own time to organize another reunion for classmates who act like that.