No. A well dated female Australopithecus afarensis of which many fossils have been identified and dated at 3.2 million years ago. Her bone structure was quite unlike any ape as she was up right and bipedal. A good book about her is: Johanson, Donald C., and Kate Wong. Lucy’s Legacy. N.p.: Crown Publishing, 2009. Johanson discovered the fossil.
My biggest problem with creationist science is that they make up things to either support their arguments or attack scientific theories with which they disagree or they feel threaten their own assertions. They know their are basing everything on straw man arguments and complete flights of fantasy but keep doing is for the money they get from sincere Christians. I bring this up because I’ve read the “four monkey bones” theory of Lucy at their sites.
A little less embibing please!
The four bone FRAGMENT fact is from Leakey’s own published works.