If it was for global warming, Chicago would still be under a mile of ice.
I link California’s financial and cultural ruin to democrats, I believe that my link is the accurate one.
They must have put aside the envirofascists policies that are creating the drought. Putting the delta smelt over people will always lead to negative consequences.
I’ve got a study right here - links so-called ‘climate science’ to my butt.
Any challengers?
I thought it was catastrophic global climate disruption... I can’t keep up with these environazis.
Their prescription for a cure then was exactly the same as it is now-- big top-down control to manage the problem on a global basis. Ain't that a coincidence?
(OK, but why hasn't it been getting any warmer the last 15 years?)
Let me guess. This study is based on climate models that are based on theories of global warming. BS in, BS out....
There is a drought in California, ....of common sense intelligence.
An employee of the state is paid taxpayer dollars, coerced from the private sector, to write a study with a pre-determined outcome, the state-supporting media uses the results up to push a narrative that is aimed at eventual legislation which will coerce yet more money from the private sector.
A closed system.
One day their game will be up.
The headline calls it “global warming”...and the first line calls it “climate change”. They need to get their stories straight....sheesh.
All assets in excess of 1 million or more of actors and actresses in Hollywood must be taxed 85%...this will help../s
The fact that millions of people now live there does not change the fact that S. Calif. was and is a desert.
I sometimes question if, while Democratic lawmakers have been supporting illegal immigrants because of their potential as Democratic voters, legal or illegal, have these power-hungry Democrats been overlooking that water resources needed to be expanded to accomodate immigrants that Democrats have been getting friendly with?
In other words, California may be dry because of PC global warming, or because illegal, Constitution-ignorant immigrants are helping to drink an obsolete, Democrat-neglected water system dry.
Again, this is speculation on my part because I don’t know squat about water resouces management.