Not sure where you think you are going with such a ridiculous argument that because Clinton didn’t go to jail no one should go to jail? This guy was sentenced and should serve his time like everyone else - equal justice under the law.
The argument for Bill Clinton, and for others of his ilk in the ranks of the Lords, is pretty much that "they rose to the pinnacle of society, so how can we expect them to serve jail time?"
We can go down the list, if you'd like:
Bill Clinton - felony perjury in a federal judge's face
Charlie Rangel - tax evasion
Jon Corzine - 1.7 billion in co-mingled customer funds stolen
Eric Holder - felonies galore, unprosecuted
Elijah Cummings - using the IRS to target political enemies, conspiracy and many, many others.
Now we have this peasant Cornealious who was slated to go to jail, but the lackwits who run the state of Missouri FORGOT to incarcerate him, thus exposing the other peasants of Missouri to danger if he had been dangerous.
He rises to the pinnacle of his talents, like the others above, and becomes a productive member of society.
He's got to go to jail, though, because he's not one of the Lords.
You should fear a government that has no common sense, and has two classes of Law, one for the peasants and one for the Lords.
Strange that you don't get it, after watching the foul sludge of our government Masters flow by on Free Republic all these years.
I imagine when the same prosecutor was confronted with Clinton's felonies, you could hear the crickets from miles away.
All I require in life is consistency, and no discernible hypocrisy. I demanded jail time for all these sociopathic felons in the House of Lords, and I got told to Talk to the Hand.
So, when I see a peasant in similar circumstances, my brain clicks on, and I ask myself, why does HE have to go to jail? What possible purpose does it serve me and my fellow taxpeasants, when all it does is contribute monetary grease for the overfed lackwits in the government, who are eating out our substance daily?
Is it your view that the SWAT team, the buffoons in the Missouri Department of Corrections, the inflexible prosecutor, the prison guards, the parole officers & the Missouri Department of Social Services (which will end up picking up the tab for his family, without a doubt), all need jobs, so it's OK if there is a lack of common sense?
The BLM just spent several million to collect what they say is a million owed to them by Cliven Bundy. Is that OK, too?
Is the government right, just because it's the government?