I understand what you are trying to say. Here's the problem, though: a vet once explains to me that ANY dog that's alive and has teeth WILL bite under the right circumstances.
I agree with you, though, that I would not own a dog which is inclined to be aggressive, and pit bulls certainly meet that criterion.
first bite and they are gone
I want love from dogs
don’t want a guard dog that kids need to be cautious of
my mil had a nasty little wire haired terrier that hated kids when mine were little
the kids of course wanted to pet her and that little varmint would snap at them
none of that crap for me
I already suffered through having a little dog that was a total pain in the butt, circling my bother and snapping at my mil and nipped my mom in the boob. Never again. Zero tolerance.
Some people want macho dogs or dogs that look tough. Its a valid human desire.
But some people breed dogs to engage in illegal dog-fighting and that’s a recipe for disaster.
I have a big dog that looks like a wolf but my dog is strictly a family dog.