“I NEVER did have a bad experience with any cops, here or abroad.”
Well, maybe you aren’t in the best position to judge them then? Perhaps you should leave that to the folks who have seen both sides of the boys in blue, instead of those who only encounter “Officer Friendly”?
Remember the saying, “a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged”? The converse of that is liberals who haven’t been victims tend to attribute the best motives to criminals, thinking that their crimes are just caused by poverty or bad upbringing. It’s the same way with police abuse. Those who have never encountered it have a much easier time accepting the excuses for it. Once it happens to you, not so much.
Here’s the thing, I’m all for law and order. The best way to have that is to teach personal responsibility and morals.
Its not further militarization of the police and ROE which are significantly less restrictive than our military has in a war zone.
Why is it necessary to see BAD cops to have an opinion about them? Do you have to see Saudis to have an opinion about them? I don't think so. You aren't making sense to me. I think I'm in as good a position as anyone.
I've lived in this world for several decades and have had dealings with cops all over California, many other states, some parts of Europe and in Mexico AND Saudi Arabia. Having only "officer friendly" encounters only means that I was POLITE to them, showed them respect and DIDN'T act as if they were the KGB out to bash my head in.
NOTHING wrong or bad positioning when treating the boys in blue, wherever they are, with respect.