I have no doubt it could very well have been a planned event. I should have been more clear on that statement. I was not referring to passengers with cell cams. I know they could do them in at high altitude. I was referring to the fact, that if it landed somewhere, there are people on the ground with cams everywhere. All it would take, is for one person to film it, and blabber to the media about it. I also think if an aircraft lands somewhere, it will need maintenance. If it stays on the ground for awhile, I hear they need even more maintenance to get airborne again. I don't know about the logistics of it all. Any aircraft maintenance guys out there?
Seems like a hell of a coincidence that the possible end point of flight 370 runs through the southern (mainly unpopulated) half of the Uighur region of China, Sinkiang. One would suppose that the PRC is generally in charge of the radars and airports in that region, but who knows, perhaps they have friends just over the border in Tadjikistan or Afghanistan. One could imagine a second phase of such a plot being a surprise attack on Beijing after a low-altitude radar-evading flight (full moon and the next clear night perhaps?) ... but if you like the Putin angle, then I would be watching for a staged “discovery” and “rescue” later today or tomorrow to obscure breaking news from Ukraine. It appears that Russia is getting ready to invade the eastern Ukraine and without this story the entire news cycle would be totally dominated by this crisis.