No, you were not advocating teaching anyone manners, you were calling for acquittal based on the fact that you did not like them or their evil music.
Ok so now we can have a discussion about it. I said I would vote for acquittal. Based upon what i saw in the article the man is not guilty of murder. I base that on belief about his probable mental state. I don’t know what happened in the incident and unless you were there you don’t either. I suspect the shooter just snapped. As to whether or not I liked the victims I don’t know them. But I would say being injured or losing one’s life over something like this is tragic. Manners would go a long way to preventing or eliminating incidences of this type. As to the music I don’t what music was being played. But my experience is the louder the the music the more vile it is. Rape, murder, sex, theft and obscenity, yes I call that music evil. It helps drive a culture that is violent, angry, destructive, and ready to do harm at the drop of a hat for any slight real or imagined. I call that evil.