What is cis?
I had to look that up too. Apparently, normal people are cissexual (as opposed to transsexual). So, “cis male” means you are a normal male. The problem with this is that by forcing normal people to adopt “cis male” or “cis female”, you are being co-opted into this whole insane mess. People who do facebook (I do NOT) should demand that “male” and “female” be added.
I looked it up, too.
The cis- prefix means “on this side”.
In gemetrical isomer nomenclature, the prefix cis- and trans- are used to identify which side of the double bond the similar atoms are found. The cis- prefix is from the Latin meaning “on this side”. In this case, the chlorine atoms are on the same side of the carbon-carbon double bond. This isomer is called cis-1,2-dichloroethene.
I guess it means if you like your Weiner you can keep your Weiner..
It's like when perfectly normal heterosexual couples refer to their spouses as their "partners" rather than wife or husband.
Don't want to offend those in sicko "marriages"!
That is the whole point. Cis is a derogatory term made up by the homosexuals and transwhatevers to make normal people be not normal but just one of many categories. To them, sticking to traditional gender roles is the bad thing. Being weird and perverted is the good thing. So they make up a derogatory term for normal people. And about a hundred positive terms for themselves.
Carl Buijs, a transsexual man from the Netherlands, claiming that Buijs coined the word in 1995.[9] In April 1996, Buijs said in a Usenet posting, "As for the origin, I just made it up. I just kept running into the problem of what to call non-trans people in various discussions, and one day it just hit me: non-trans equals cis. Therefore, cisgendered