Do you think there will be a huge upsurge in users if it is made legal? Or will the people that smoke it now, smoke it after it is legal, and those that don't, won't?
When it’s legal across the board (make no mistake, this is coming), I would imagine business will be the same as with alcohol. If you show up to work stoned, it’ll be as frowned-upon as showing up drunk, if not moreso.
The unintended consequence of legalization, even though I believe they understand this will happen, is that worker productivity will plummet in this country. One can sleep off a night of heavy drinking and work through the next-day fog. Having been a heavy user of marijuana in the past, I can tell you definitively that the deleterious effects of marijuana on cognitive functionality lasts for several days.
I’m not sure if more will use, but I think those who do will be less judicial in their use, since even if they are caught they won’t fear prosecution
When they ask if you have guns in your home, ask them, “do you smoke pot and take it up the dirtchute?”
If the lunch conversations are right, there are some that do not smoke now but would if made legal. I don’t not know if they are closet smokers lying about not smoking, past smokers that quit in fear of losing their jobs or are actually telling the truth.
I am always a little puzzled at those that intentionally breath in burning leaves of any type into their lungs. It just never seemed like a healthy choice for your lungs.
I think there will be a huge upsurge since one of the barriers was the fact that it was illegal. Kids will be more likely to jump on the bandwagon and smoke it now that the stigma is being removed both legally and in our beloved media and white house.
Nothing against pot smokers, I tried it a few times in college and the thing I hated the most was that thick feeling I felt for almost the entire following day. Every adult I have known and still know that smokes it regularly are off their game, late for work, cancelling meetings and even business trips at the last minute. It seems to suck the motivation out of people which is why people fear it.
Stories like this seem to confirm that it has become very popular where it has been legalized. Some of the effect can be from tourists I suppose.