“If their theories of controlling hot fusion were proven, wed have Nukular cars by now. Your statement shows how ignorant you are. Their theories and experiments have all given us zero-zip-nada, to quote one skeptopath.”
That statement shows that you are totally biased and very ignorant ...
So, how do we throw down to prove to one another which statement is true? Where is my hot-fusion car? I keep seeing that same horse manure comment on LENR threads, so why wouldn’t it be viable to apply to controlled-hot-fusion (CHF)? The CHF boys had 50 years, $500B, and 50 year corner-turn. The LENR boys have had 24 years, $50M, and at this time it’s a 3 year corner-turn.
They’ve made far more progress on shoestring budgets than the CHF boys had.
They’re 14 orders of magnitude more cost effective
I admit a bias against CHF, but it is a bias borne of investigation of the facts; actually, it’s not a bias — it’s a conclusion. Your bias is borne of jumping on a bandwagon.