I don’t go where I’m not wanted.
“Their problem is not me and democrats, their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives, who are right to life, pro assault weapon, anti-gay, is that who they are? Because if that is who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York. Because that is not who New Yorkers are.”
Let me help you with that, Andrew. You see, you are the Governor of NY State. These conservatives, though they didn’t vote for you (and probably think you are a jerk), are your constituents if they live in NY state. It’s Civics 101, you see?
As Governor you are here to serve them, just as you would your more liberal citizens, by upholding the laws & constitution of the State of NY. If you find yourself incapable of doing that I suggest you resign.
She is Governor Andrew Cuomo's live-in mistress. She was at his side with a kiss when he was sworn in. She marched alongside of him in NYC's gay pride parade.
Conservative groups are beginning to question the expenses and perks she gets as his "domestic partner"....i.e., to what extent (and why) are taxpayers paying for her living expenses, plane travel, etc. seeing they are in a non-legal union.
It's interesting that Cuomo spouts off on evil pro-lifers, murderous gun-owners and bigoted "anti-gays" when he himself is in a relationship not sanctioned by his Church, nor any other Christian religion...and which used to be called "living in sin".....and which relationship is most certainly using taxpayers' dollars under false pretenses for cushy living.
He should look in the mirror when he aims derogatory invectives at good folks he considers not fit to live in New York...invectives which rightly should be directed at himself and at his own questionable values, standards and morals.
For the rest of his life he will be running to hide his garbage. I sincerely hope someone catches up to him.
If we are now called “anti-choice” does that mean that it is now okay to call them “anti-life”?