Much is made of Caleb's voice tonight. He has "a vocal hemorrhage". Gasps from the audience.
They even go so far as to have the Idol Medic trot out on stage to give Meat Loaf the official all clear. LOL. I don't buy it.
Anyway. The first round is Randy's Choice. And his choice for Caleb is "Never Tear Us Apart" by INXS.
He sings fine. Though he is more controlled than usual, vocally and physically.
Keith: Woooooo! Great job, man. Randy, great call on that song. You've got this blues/soul thing in your voice. Really good job tonight, Caleb. I could hear the voice in certain spots, but you're such a pro.
Jlo: You on your worst night are better than some on their best night. Still a solid performance.
Harry: That song sort of forces to work within confines. The only concern I have is that you don't hurt yourself tonight. Nice job.
Seacrest asks Randy for his take.
Randy: I think he did a great job. I know his voice is hurting. But he sang in his falsetto for the first time tonight. Great job man.
SO if Rasndy wants Caleb to bring out his inner falsetto.l...does that mean they are trying to turn him into “Queen”?
Keith pulls out a glass framed photo of his ice queen wife on a red carpet somewhere. Keeps her on his desk. JLo rummages through her selfies with young dancer boys to put on her desk.