“But he also never led or launched a military campaign outside Arabia.’’<< What difference does that make? The old goat was a fecking monster. How the Hell any sane person can consider this animal and what he created to be anything other than a continuation of Bronze Age savagery is beyond me.
The original comment to which I responded: “But when Old Mo and the boys went traveling it wasnt to savor the local culture. They went to rob, rape and kill.”
My sole point is that Mo never launched an attack into another culture area. So he never did any robbing, raping or killing outside his own neighborhood.
There is little doubt he would have, but he kicked the bucket before getting the chance.
The early Muslims actually operated on a somewhat higher standard for laws of war than usual for their time, at least if they followed their own rules. I’m no fan of Islam, but the 7th century Magyars, Vikings and Germans were no picnic either. FTM the “civilized” Persians and Byzantines succeeded in devastating the Middle East and each other so completely that Persia fell completely into Muslim hands, and the Eastern Romans lost about half their empire.