When I was growing up, there was no such thing as lactose-intolerant, glucose-intolerant, etc. It may seem strange now but there was a time when you could bring peanut butter sandwiches to school. If, back in 1972 when I was in fourth grade, I told my classroom that I was allergic to peanut butter, the entire class would laugh at me - including the teachers who would tell me "not to be silly and eat my sandwich."
I’m part of the 1% of people that acutally has celiac disease. I shake my head when people tell me they’re cutting gluten out of their diet “to feel better.” You’ve felt fine! Cutting gluten out isn’t going to have any impact on you. I’d kill for a real piece of pizza and a beer. The gluten-free options are awful (I’ve tried them all).
This why the author felt better and in general why most people do as well. Going on a diet that restricts a food group inherently steers you back to fresh, whole food that has not been processed. Processed food is what is killing people.
It’s not just gluten. All grains should be cut out- corn, oats, rice, sugar. Grain proteins damage the linings of the intestianl track letting pre-digested foods and toxins circulate through the blood stream. Hello IBS, allergies, psoriasis, etc,..
I have added an couple of teaspoons a day of flex seed meal to my diet for the last few months. Heartburn is all but gone! The crazy thing is that I started taking the flax seed meal to reduce my cholesterol.
From my very early days on this planet, I was told to avoid loading up on bread, cakes and sweets.
Grandma said to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, plenty of meat, a small piece of birthday cake when offered (to be polite) and a bit of “medicine” from the old brown jug to keep a twinkle in your eyes.
Seems like my Grandma could have been a Foodie.
27 aerobic and 30 anaerobic oral bacterial strains capable of metabolizing gluten have been obtained. 5 aerobic and 10 anaerobic strains are the fastest growing.
All anaerobic strains belonged to the Bifidobacterium genus. (A bacterial strain commonly used as a probiotic.)
In the aerobic category, Rothia mucilaginosa and Rothia aeria were most active. These results demonstrate that Rothia species are highly effective in degrading gluten, and more so than anaerobic strains. Importantly, they did so mostly at a pH of 7 (neutral), and when pH became 3, about the acidity of orange juice, their activity ceased. Gastric (stomach) acid has a pH of about 1. When the pH again rose, the bacteria remained inactive.
But ironically, R. mucilaginosa colonizes the healthy and celiac-afflicted duodenum to the same extent. This suggests that bacterial degradation of gluten is not enough, and that some other factor may be involved one way or another.
Sound down right like the Paleo (Paleolithic) diet...
The author admits that he didn’t just limit gluten. He ate more vegetables, fruits, nuts and lean meats. Substituting low glycemic index foods for high generally produces good results. It’s all about how much you eat, how often and how fast your body can turn it into sugar.
I prefer Glutton over Gluten.
my mom is on this
I think it’s stupid
You can take my baguette when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.
I believe people are different...Some can tolerate or thrive on grains...others cannot...Grains just make me HUNGRIER...Fat and protein work best for me...With lots of veggies
I am on a 100% gluten diet — nothing but heaping bowls full of steaming gluten — and I feel GREAT!
My philosophy - JERF - Just Eat Real Food
Most meals home cooked, very little, if any, processed food.
Gluten free is a hoax.