Once again a misleading headline.
He was not killed over cigarettes or his father’s attempt to teach him a lesson, he was killed as a direct result of his own aggressive actions that endangered the lives of other people.
This is no different than a headline saying Trayvon was shot walking home, when of course he was shot while he was actively beating up a person he had pinned to the ground.
When will we ever get accurate headlines in these stories? The biased opinions of readers starts right with the headline that helps to lead them to the wrong understanding of an event.
WRONG. He was killed as a direct result of a choice made by an inept gun-weilding police officer. THAT is why he was killed; he was killed as a direct result of overreacting cops.
Obviously, this never even needed to go into car chase territory. It was his dad's truck, for crying out loud!!! And it was hauling a little trailer! The cops knew that, right? Or were they pursuing him under the impression that he'd just robbed a bank? That video is live Keystone Cops going deadly.