You are the one defending the liberal democrat who’s election destroyed America.
You call him Reagan’s “political hero” and ignore that Reagan wrote calling him liberal and Marxist, and now you want to go into fantasy land and pretend that abortion and the pro-life politics were a part of 1950s politics and JFK’s politics.
You describe Nixon and Reagan as being to the left of Kennedy in 1960, the liberals and clearly are thankful that the democrats won and led us into Vietnam and unionized the government and gave us the 1960s, the Bay of Pigs and the Jimmy Carter of his time, except so much worse.
You clearly have some underlying agenda in promoting the left’s hero here at freerepublic, what is it?
What is it you are really trying to push here?
“You call him Reagans political hero and ignore that Reagan wrote calling him liberal and Marxist”
Written as a note in 1960 to Richard Nixon when Ronald Reagan WAS A DEMOCRAT. JFK WAS A DEMOCRAT. Ever wonder why a democrat would put down another democrat. That’s not too hard to figure out. Reagan was a democrat for years. He didn’t switch parties until 1962. Years later when Reagan was asked about the letter he said Kennedy was a different president than he was a candidate and he was “pleasantly surprised” at Kennedy’s “toughess” as president. He praised Kennedy for his handling the Cuban Missile Crisis.