Sit down some where private and cry. It helps, trust me I know.
I am a 63 year old former Marine; the only time I have cried since I was small child was when my old Rolly died.
Take some time to grieve;(took me 5 years), then go to the local county animal shelter and find another loving companion that some lowlife decided to throw away; because he or she got to big or to old or to what ever to keep.
I am now surrounded by my 4 beautiful boys and girls (2 of each); they keep each other company when I am not at home and get to mob me, and roll around on the floor with me when I get back.
Just one little hint. Don’t waste five years waiting; I will never forget old Rolly but life would be very poor without Jack, George, Honey and Sophie.
Oh I have done some crying in the last 24 hours. My husband and I decided to pull up stakes and drive to SC (from Ohio) to see our grandkids. Our home was so quiet. I have a picture if Max on our dashboard because I know his spirit is right beside me. The thing is, in his 15 years there was NEVER a day I didn’t love every minute of him. In the past year we have had to give him IV fluids for his kidneys. I would hold him and called him my little daffodil during his tretments. He was so patient as I would kiss him and rub him, he loved it. I am rambling, and sorry but it helps the pain.