I would never ask my husband for his passwords. I have never thought of giving him mine either. Just haven’t thought of it. Of course, my whole life is not on my phone.
“I would never ask my husband for his passwords. I have never thought of giving him mine either.”
I was at lunch with a guy I’ve known 10 years. His phone rang. He said, “Hello? No, I’m with Gen.blather. No, I’m with Gen.blather.” He handed me the phone and I said, “Hello?” There was a long silence and I asked again and asked who it was and a woman said, “Brenda.” It was his wife. Apparently she had read something he’d written six months ago and assumed he was seeing a woman at lunch. I’ve worked so closely with this guy I know he’s not fooling around. He says she goes through all his stuff regularly and has all his passwords. He’s asked people not to send him stuff like links to nude photos.
I don’t know my husband’s passwords either. Of course, I keep forgetting my own.
I don’t know that I’d ever ask for a password. If I trusted him, rightly or wrongly, that would just be it. I’m not married, so I don’t know if that would make a difference.
Back around the ‘turn of the century’, the home computer was a laptop which I basically used for business.
I told my then wife that she was welcome to use it and set it up so she could have her own password etc (she was computer literate (at least workwise) and I was skeptical) but figured I didn’t care or want to know what she may be doing on the computer. She was an adult, after all.
SHE wondered what I was trying to hide????
Go figure!!!
Never thought of it, either. Put me in the ‘sharing passwords is creepy’ category if it’s meant to establish an intimacy, or assure fidelity. Strikes me as more than creepy, actually.