in the end I guess it all depends on how fast the collapse is. I am of the thought that it is too late to fix the US and we are in permanent decline. The above comment about texas becoming like quebec is a strong possibility so an option as well. While I am strongly American, the thought of dying in vain is not a welcome thought - especially when I could resettle and teach a whole new continent or nation about freedom and free markets and they would be very open to it, not like here.
Problem is that Texas shares a borderline with Mexico! Come next presidential election Texas will have a higher percentage of Hispanics voting Democrat than anytime in Texas history. They’re coming in in droves and their droves are extending all across the great state of Texas. If I’m not mistaken New Mexico used to be Republican and faithful Red and it flipped ...there is a great chance next presidential election Texas might flip too. When they pass amnesty I guarantee you that this great state will become blue in less than 20 years.